University Economic Development Association

Date and time: July 31 2024, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM (ET)


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Join UEDA’s Talent Affinity Network meeting to hear from Joseph Parilla, Senior Fellow & Director of Applied Research from Brooking Metro, and Co-author of Talent-Driven Economic Development: A New Vision and Agenda for Regional and State Economies, a research report aiming to help economic development leaders recognize the connection between regional and organizational success with talent development. Joseph will touch more on his report, discussing how economic development leaders can confidently and knowledgeably approach businesses, educational institutions, and community groups with a clear value proposition that aligns their core capabilities in service of systemic, non-duplicative talent development solutions.

Meet the Presenter:


Joseph Parilla is the Director of Applied Research at Brookings Metro, where he oversees a research and strategy portfolio focused on the trends and policies that influence inclusive economic growth in cities across the U.S. and the world. Parilla authors publications, delivers public presentations, and provides commentary to media on topics such as economic development, small business trends, and talent development. Most recently, Parilla has delivered real-time analysis and practical guidance on how local and regional leaders can mitigate economic damage from COVID-19 and drive an inclusive recovery. Parilla has led applied research engagements that offer local economic assessments, practical policy and programmatic solutions, and clear goals and metrics to guide government, business, and philanthropic leaders in regions such as Birmingham, Ala., Denver, Indianapolis, Grand Rapids, Mich., Sacramento, Calif., and San Diego. Prior to his work at Brookings, Parilla was a research associate in the Urban Institute’s Metropolitan Housing and Communities Policy Center, where he focused on housing and urban policy. Parilla holds degrees in public policy from Georgetown’s McCourt School of Public Policy and economics and geography from Macalester College.