University Economic Development Association


DIVE (Discovery, Innovation, and Venture Enterprise)

Award Category: Innovation + Talent
Project Site: DIVE (Discovery, Innovation, and Venture Enterprise)
Submitted By: Indiana University – Purdue University, Indianapolis
Contact: Teresa Bennett , 317.278.9173


The DIVE (Discovery, Innovation and Ventures Enterprise) class is a 3-credit class experience that teams IU Kelley Evening MBA students with new and growing ventures. This select group of students attends a session where ventures pitch their concepts and needs as they would to a potential investor. Following student self-selection, student teams engage over 4-6 months to provide strategic analysis, business model development, market feasibility, and/or other support. In its 10th year, the program has allowed about 200 Kelley MBA students to work with over 50 ventures for the mutual of students, entrepreneurs, and venture community. DIVE is offered as part of the Entrepreneurship major within the Evening MBA Program at the IU Kelley School of Business, but also attracts finance, marketing, and other majors with an interest in venturing .The Evening MBA Program of the IU Kelley School is delivered in Indianapolis from the IUPUI campus, in the heart of the business and venture community. Our students are almost all working (85%) or in dual degree programs (10%). Working students come from a mix of corporate settings (e.g. Eli Lilly, Cummins, Rolls Royce) and small to medium sized businesses. Dual degree students include those enrolled in Kelley’s JD/MBA and MD/MBA programs. The interests of this population are diverse, but a sub-segment has a keen interest in the ventures context. These interests span starting their own company, being part of a founding team, joining a high-growth venture, investing in ventures (typically in the future), and/or serving small and new companies.